Saturday, December 31, 2011

OKI ~ Dec. 2011

After Christmas get-a-way

We went back to OKI the day after Christmas to spend some time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. The weather was awesome, we had a great time.
                      We invented our own "headbands" game!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Air soft gun

We don't really let our kids shoot each other.....often!

Layton went to a buddy's house to play with air soft guns....he loved it!

PJ day at school & Field trip

The kids had PJ day at school this week since it was a short week. Layton didn't even bother getting up, he just ran out the door at 7:10!

Ky had a field trip to see a the play "The Christmas Carol"

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More wedding pics

These pics are in total random order.

The bride is entering....

My grandparents with the kids.

Mom lighting the unity candle

Ky and I at the reception

Mom and dad on the dance floor!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ice Skating with friends

This was Layton and Ky's first attempt at ice skating....they loved it! They were both really good at it too! We had a blast with all our friends.
(it's hard to tell Austin and Layton apart, they look alike and had on the same coat, I was confusing them all night!)

Ky and Tay playing in the "snow"

Waiting for the ice to be clean, can't wait to get back out there!

Joey and I have skated in about 20 years, we forgot how much fun it is, definitely a new tradition!