Monday, May 28, 2012

Layton's bday

He picked a new buffet for supper. He actually ate the crawfish....then played with them!


PE @ school.
Joey and I surprised him at lunch then I stayed and watched him in PE!
(His favorite class)

Waiting for someone to "save" him, they were playing a version of dodge ball where you have to stay down til someone rescues you. Looked fun, I wanted to join in!

Lunch with our little man!
We took Ky out of her class to join us.

Happy 10th birthday little man.
We love you SO much!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I need a snack!!!

Ky and Bo

It's the weekend!! YAHOOOOOOO!!
We had a great week. Celebrated a decade of Layton, we celebrated with 3 nights of "parties" you know us - we know how to celebrate!!
Both kids are gone for the weekend, so Joey and I are doing yard work, and pretty much anything else we wanna do! Love the kids but kidless weekends are great!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Myself, Layton, and Bo

So, I've had this laptop for about 9 months now and I've never used the webcam. Today I let Layton play with it!

The new kitty wanted in on the action!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The day Ky's been waiting for....

Last Friday Kylin lost her first tooth! That thing had been loose for 3 months. I even took her to the dentist because the permanant tooth was coming in beside it. He said give her 4 months to loose it on her own. We were on month 3! She was so excited when her daddy pulled it out!
We had lots of excitement around our casa on Friday. We got the kitten, Layton got his EOG scores, and Ky lost her first tooth....of course we went out for a little celebration!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

EOGs are in the book for 2012!

This was Layton's first year taking EOGs.
I think I was more nervous than him. He said the were boring!
He did AWESOME...made a 3 in math and a 4 in reading!
(4 is the highest score!!)
WAY TO GO LAYTON!!!!!!!!!!!Now, we have 3 more weeks of school to do nothing!
Parties, water day, field days, awards day......
Makes me so made they still have 14 days of school and they will do absolutely NO work!
Here's an idea - let's shorten the school year, not extend it!!

Meet Bo

Yep, another kitten has found its way to our house!!
This one comes with a pretty wild rescue story....
I took the kids to Bojangles before school Friday to celebrate the end of EOGs. On the way back to school Layton said he saw a kitten in the road. So I turned the car around to go see if he was crazy....turns out he's not crazy there was a kitten in the road. So I pull over, we all hop out and go save the cat. I pick it up and hand it to Layton and tell him to go put in some woods near where we found it, that way it wouldn't get ran over. I figured the cats family was there somewhere. Layton went into the woods and came back out with the kitten. He was almost in tears and said he didn't want the cat to die! Seriously, rip my heart out! I told him we would take it over to the animal shelter, which was right across the road, pretty convenient, huh? I had to get the kids to school so I told them I would drop them off at school then take the cat. The kids were okay with that but ask if we could keep it. The last thing I want is a cat!!
Layton even offered to use his birthday money on food, litter, and the vet bill! Sweet, sweet child!
After a few mins in the car with it Layton said "um, mom this cat don't have a tail!!" I didn't even notice the whole time we were rescuing it! I thought maybe something had attacked it
 and it lost it's tail but it looks like it was born without one.
I got the kids to school with 30 seconds to spare before the tardy bell! I took the cat by Joey's work and told him the whole story, thinking he would back my decision to take it to the animal shelter....well, he looked at it and said "just keep it!"
So I took it to the vet to make sure it would be okay with the kids. I ask the woman at the vet if it was a boy or girl and she said she didn't know how to tell! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You work at the vet, she did'nt even attempt to look!  So we still aren't sure if we have a boy or girl but we named "it" Bo. Cause we had just eaten at BOjangles and we found it across from the BOwling alley!
I don't think Bo is a stray, someone had apparently dropped it off. It is so friendly and loves the kids. I'm guessing it's about 6-7 weeks old, still very tiny. The kids are thrilled to have another pet!
These pics are the day we found it, see how friendly it is right away? That's why I'm thinking it's not a stray, they are usually more afraid of people.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The last of the party pics

Who exactly is watching the kids???

Looks like Lee just got in trouble!

Layton and Tyler

My cute little man playing corn hole.

Glow stick necklaces for everyone, don't want to loose any kids in the dark!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Campout 2012 ~ The morning after

Wonderful group of kids. Thanks for making Layton's birthday so memorable!

The boys
These boys are great!

The boys around the campfire, talking about "boy stuff"

Memories for sure!

The girls "roughing it" Look at all that pink!

Fixing breakfast for the crew.

Having breakfast on the trampoline

Joey and Lee are still smiling, yeah!

Campout 2012

Get ready for Campout 2013.
This will definitely be a new tradition!!

Layton's party cont.

My lil man is a decade old!

Aunt Jessica, Uncle J and Bandit

CAKE TIME!! My favorite part of any party!

Bass Pro gift certificate! Perfect gift for Layton!

New bat bag! Poor kid has been using the same bag his dad used in high school!

Layton and Bandit, look at the dogs face - so funny!