Thursday, June 9, 2011

Extreme Couponing is for LOSERS!

Took this off the "Saving Freak" website.

Another episode of Extreme Couponing on TLC will air tonight and I am considering whether I should subject myself to another disaster episode.  All I can think about when watching this show is, "What a bunch of losers!"  You spend sixty hours a week to save $500 on groceries?  Since apparently you can only do math in less than $2 coupons let me work that out for you:
$500 ÷ 60 hours = $8.33 per hour
If I work 60 hours at minimum wage ($7.25/hour) I would get overtime for anything over 40 hours.  That means I would make $507.50.
That's right, many of the extreme couponers are working for less than minimum wage.  Now we can get  into an argument about post tax and pre tax money but one point still remains.  These binder wielding freaks should just GET A JOB!!
It would also have some good psychological benefits because it might bring them back from the brink of being hoarders.  I mean, who in their right mind has enough toilet paper to last them 40 years and keeps buying toilet paper?
These guys are giving those of us who are practical couponers a bad name.
So for everyone who doesn't want to spend more time couponing than sleeping I invite you to join the not so extreme couponers.  We spend limited amounts of time getting ready for each trip to the grocery store or pharmacy.  We save an average from 50%-60% on our groceries and save hundreds of dollars per month as a result.  So don't be scared of couponing because there are cool people who use coupons.  We're happy to talk to you about couponing in a way that makes sense and doesn't make you feel like a misfit.  Come on in the water is fine.

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