Sunday, October 16, 2011

We are camper owners

One of Joey's friends on Facebook posted this camper for sale on Saturday. We have been kinda looking for a used pop up camper, nothing expensive or fancy just something we can take the family camping. Joey, dad and I went to look at it Sunday afternoon, we all agreed it was an excellent deal. 20 mins later we were back at his house with the money to buy it and truck to take it home! It's definitely not fancy, it's used, and it was a great price so I'm totally happy! Can't wait til next spring to use it....or possibly sometime in the next couple weeks before it gets too cold.

It has a king size bed, a queen and a full, which was the big selling feature for us. That's lots of room for all 6 six of us to sleep comfortably. (the 6 of us being our 4 plus nanny and poppa)
Also has a fridge sink and inside stove, nice extras.

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